The best part of this game is the props you get. Army of Sparta uses the Blades of Exile, and Soul Summon makes use of Claws of Hades. These tricks include the army of Sparta, Soul Summon, Divine Reckoning, etc.

There are a lot of magic tricks offered in this game. There are a lot more weapons included in this game, but the ones mentioned here are eminent and can make your gaming experience worthwhile. All these weapons are very attractive and appealing which were not there in any former edition. The players can find a lot of new weapons in this game such as blades of Exile, claws of hades, blades of Athena, blades of Olympus, Nemesis Whip, Nepean Cestus.

But, there are certain added features in this edition, so let us take a look at the features of the game: If you have a player of the God of War-3 or earlier editions of this series you must be knowing about the basic features that it offers. In comparison to the former editions, God of War-3 provides a revamped magic mechanism, several opponents and new editions, new angles of the camera, and easy to download content. The player can make use of four wizardry attacks as well as a power improving capability as substitute combat choices and there are exciting features like platforming components and puzzles. It makes use of quick-time events in which the player players in a well-timed order for defeating bosses and potential opponents. The gameplay of this game is the same as that of the earlier editions, aiming at the combat based on a combo with the help of the main weapon of the players which are the Blades of Exile and the secondary weapons gained throughout the game. The second best seller game in this series had a great demand in the market and almost 5.2 million copies were sold of this game. The game was awarded by many eminent prizes out of which one was “Most anticipated game of 2010” as well as the best game for PlayStation 3 in the 20 Spike Awards for video game consecutively and the best artistic accomplishment award at the 2011 award session by BAFTA also known as British Academy of Film and Television Arts. The spirit of Athena works as a guide for the game and helps Kratos in battling away monsters, Titans, and God’s for searching Pandora, which is required for him to open the box of Pandora, defeating Zeus and finish the era of Olympian gods. It provided ignition to the Great War, in which Mount Olympus was ascended by Kratos till he gets abandonment from Titan Gaia. The protagonist is controlled by the players and Kratos, who is considered as an earlier God of wars after he was betrayed by Zeus, his father, and the King of Olympian Gods. Are there new features in this version?.Can you play this game on all platforms?.